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Mountain View Cattle Company offers high quality registered Angus two-year-old bulls through private treaty sales. We select angus bulls that sire functional, fertile, and efficient daughters. EPD’s (Expected Progeny Differences), are tools and data that we value and use extensively. To compliment EPD’s, we put our cattle through a thorough visual test. We only select bulls with proper foot and leg structure, move athletically, and are visually appealing.


All the bulls we sell are born and raised on pasture grass throughout the spring, summer, and fall. During eastern Oregon’s cold winter months, they are fed a mixture of long hay and alfalfa/grass silage. We believe a slower, more natural way of raising bulls enhances their fertility and longevity. This means we do NOT feed our cattle in feedlots.


The grass and silage our cattle consume grows at our ranch. We value local and sustainable practices that benefit our cattle, family, and future way of life. The grass/alfalfa silage is cut and hauled by Lehman Chopping. They are a local Baker valley family run operation just like us. We believe in strong relationships within our community and supporting local businesses at every opportunity.


We look forward to hearing from you soon! Don’t hesitate to call with any questions. The entire Mountain View Cattle team thanks you for your support.


Collin and Michelle Kaseberg  

The Crew!

THE REAL BOSSES OF THE OUTFIT!!  Jase, Kinsley, and Maren


We are very fortunate to have a group of amazing children and grandchildren.  Michelle was raised on a dairy and beef operation in Baker, where we operate now.  Collin was raised on a wheat and cattle ranch in Sherman County.  He then started selling premium Angus bulls in 1985. In 2002 Mountain View Cattle Co. was formed and Collin and Michelle continued selling premium angus bulls from the beautiful Baker Valley. Our combined crew, with spouses, all participate in agriculture. Spread out from Corvallis (OSU), to Madras and Baker County, all have found a way to help feed the people of our country.


Mountain View Cattle Company is located near Wingville, in the Baker Valley of Eastern Oregon.  Family operated by Collin and Michelle Kaseberg and their children.

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MVCC raises quality Black Angus cattle using time tested genetics with a strong maternal background.  Rainmaker 340 and Really Windy 1205, are two of the foundation sires of our cattle.  

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Each year we offer quality, non feedlot, two year old bulls.  Raised on Baker Valley grass, and hay, with no grain, ever.  

© 2023 by Mountain View Cattle Co. Proudly created with

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